Tony Warriner Shares New Images Of Cancelled GBA Port Of Broken Sword 2

Tony Warriner, one of the original co-founders of Revolution Software, has shared new images of the “mythical” Game Boy Advance (GBA) port of Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror. This port was nearly completed before being cancelled due to the financial troubles of its publisher, BAM! Entertainment, which went out of business just two weeks before the game’s scheduled release. Warriner revealed that the project was more or less finished, and there is a possibility it might be revived in the future.

The images shared by Warriner provide a glimpse into the GBA version, showcasing scenes from the opening section in Professor Oubier’s House and the Café location in Paris. This version was intended to follow the 2002 GBA port of the original Broken Sword game. Despite the cancellation, Warriner has kept the project archived and is hopeful about potentially bringing it back to life, either as a licensed release or a publicly available game.

These new images are significant for fans of the Broken Sword series, as they offer a look at a piece of gaming history that was almost lost. The possibility of reviving the project adds excitement for those who appreciate the classic point-and-click adventure genre.

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