SNK Corporation has announced the establishment of KOF Studio, a new development division dedicated to its iconic fighting game franchises, including The King of Fighters, Fatal Fury, and Samurai Shodown. The studio aims to honor SNK’s 30-year legacy in fighting games while driving innovation and evolution for the future. This announcement coincides with the 30th anniversary of The King of Fighters series, marking a major milestone for the company.
Purpose and Vision
KOF Studio’s mission is to “revolutionize the legacy” of SNK’s fighting game IPs. According to a statement on its official website, the studio will focus on both preserving the essence of classic titles and introducing groundbreaking new ideas to keep the franchises relevant in modern gaming. The tagline, “The dream match never ends,” reflects SNK’s commitment to delivering exciting new battles and experiences for fans worldwide.
🎊 KOF 30th Anniversary Project Part 30 🎊
— KOF STUDIO (@KOFstudio_en) December 29, 2024
To coincide with the 30th anniversary of THE KING OF FIGHTERS, we are happy to announce the establishment of KOF Studio!
KOF Studio will proudly carry on the 30-year legacy of SNK fighting games while also bringing forth a new…
Current and Past Projects
KOF Studio is credited with several recent SNK titles, including:
- The King of Fighters XV
- Samurai Shodown (2019)
- SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy
- The King of Fighters XIV
The studio is currently working on two highly anticipated projects:
- Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves: A new entry in the Fatal Fury series.
- Samurai Shodown Action RPG: An upcoming RPG that expands on the lore and characters of the Samurai Shodown universe.
This move signals SNK’s renewed focus on its fighting game heritage while positioning itself for growth in the competitive gaming space. By creating a dedicated studio, SNK aims to ensure consistent quality and innovation across its fighting game franchises. Fans can expect more frequent updates and announcements as KOF Studio continues to develop new projects. For those eager to stay informed, KOF Studio has launched official social media accounts and a website where updates about upcoming games and initiatives will be shared. This marks an exciting new chapter for SNK’s legendary fighting game legacy.