Exploring WipEout 2097’s Music: A New Noclip Documentary

WipEout 2097

Noclip’s YouTube channel has produced a 30-minute documentary focusing on the iconic WipEout 2097 soundtrack. The project includes interviews with Psygnosis composer TimCoLD SToRAGEWright, who is known for creating memorable tracks for the franchise. The documentary also features discussions with music legends such as The Chemical Brothers, Leftfield, Underworld, Orbital, The Prodigy, and Future Sound of London. The film explores Wright’s collaboration with the now-closed British studio and the impact of his music on the company’s games, particularly the PS1 titles WipEout and WipEout 2097.


Fans of the series will appreciate the in-depth look at the development of the franchise’s sound and its influence on the gameplay experience. While a new game release may not be on the horizon, a forthcoming book will offer further insights into the WipEout series. For enthusiasts of the anti-gravity racing games, this documentary is a must-watch that promises to be both entertaining and informative. So grab your favorite drink and immerse yourself in this captivating exploration of the WipEout universe.


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