Gravity Game Arise has partnered with Yokogo Systems to globally publish “The Good Old Days,” a side-scrolling “Juvenile Metroidvania,” set for release on Switch and PC via Steam in 2024. The game follows young Sean and his friends as they form a gang called The Noogies, aiming for adventure while dealing with the sudden threat of a loan shark who has trapped their friends and demands repayment of debts.
Emphasizing exploration over combat, players must navigate various underground areas to gather money and clear debts within a time limit. Featuring retro-inspired pixel art and a rich narrative echoing 80s themes of youthful dreams, the game offers multiple playable characters, each with unique abilities, diverse quests, and dynamic endings that evolve with repeated playthroughs. Players can engage in side quests, minigames, and various methods to acquire funds while unraveling the story and exploring the nostalgic setting of Arostia.