Elemental Master EXTRA: Fan-Made Update of a Classic SHMUP

Elemental Master EXTRA is a fan-made update of Technosoft‘s classic vertically-scrolling shooter, Elemental Master, originally released for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. This update has been developed by a ROM hacker known as Billy Time Games. The patch introduces several new features and improvements, enhancing the gameplay experience for fans of the original game.


Key Features of Elemental Master EXTRA

  • Gameplay Tweaks:


    • 2X Invincibility: Players receive double the invincibility time.


    • 2X Charge when Health Cap is Maxed: Players can charge their attacks faster when their health is full.


    • Maintain Health Cap Between Credits: Health cap is retained even after using credits.
    • Full Game Playable in Practice Mode: Players can play through the entire game on the easier practice mode.


  • Cheats:


    • Max Health Cap / Unlock 2x Charge Time: Activated by pressing A+C+START during the opening cutscene.


    • Unlock All Weapons: Activated by pressing A+B+START.


    • 99 Credits: Activated by pressing B+C+START.


    • All Cheats: Activated by pressing A+B+C+START.


  • HI-Score SRAM Feature:


    • This feature logs your score when starting a new level or using a continue, allowing scores to be loaded upon the next game boot-up.



The original Elemental Master was released in Japan in 1990 and in North America in 1993. It stands out from other Technosoft titles due to its fantasy setting and the player’s ability to move on foot, requiring navigation around environmental obstacles. The game allows shooting in both upward and downward directions, adding a unique strategic element to its gameplay.



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