Developer M2 States That The Aleste Branch Is “Almost Finished”

Aleste Branch

M2, the current custodian of Compile’s Aleste series of shoot ’em up games, has recently released several titles including the Aleste Collection, Senjin/SenXin Aleste, and GG Aleste 3. Their upcoming game, Aleste Branch, has been in development for some time and is nearing completion. M2 CEO Naoki Horii mentioned in an interview with Touch Arcade that the game is close to being finished, suggesting that fans of the series can look forward to another exciting addition to the Aleste franchise.


Horii shared his thoughts on the game, saying,


“In late summer 2023, we thought, ‘It’s almost finished!’ We invited local shooting game developers to test and share feedback. I vividly recall feeling that we were close to completing the game. It feels like just yesterday, but now it’s almost summer 2024. Isn’t that amazing? The game is coming along nicely and is nearly finished.”



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