The 50th anniversary of the iconic sci-fi anime series “Space Battleship Yamato” is being commemorated with a special plan, with Hideaki Anno, a longtime fan of the series, serving as the planner and producer. Anno’s deep connection to “Yamato” for almost five decades led to his involvement in planning and producing the anniversary project. Various book projects proposed by Anno are currently in progress, including an art collection and design works related to “Space Battleship Yamato,” as well as a complete record of the 1974 series for the anniversary. An anniversary screening event and exhibition showcasing rare materials are also in the works, along with the unveiling of a 50th-anniversary logo.
— ライブドアニュース (@livedoornews) March 30, 2024
Anno expressed his gratitude for the impact “Space Battleship Yamato” had on his life, highlighting how the series influenced his path from a young age.