Yousiff Taqi

I’m Yousiff Taqi, born in ’87, and I’ve been a huge fan of retro games for as long as I can remember. My favorites are RPGs, Platformers, and Action Adventure. I’ve been interested in computers ever since I was young, which is why I pursued a Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering from Purdue University. Now, armed with my passion for both retro gaming and computer engineering, I’m excited to embark on new adventures in the world of technology, where I hope to merge my interests and make meaningful contributions.

Established in 2024, is a dedicated website for fans of retro gaming.

It offers not only the latest updates on classic games but also provides comprehensive news about modding and game collecting.

This website serves as a vibrant hub for enthusiasts looking to stay informed on all aspects of retro gaming culture.

Why Retro News ?

In addition to my interest in retro video games, my involvement with the open source community and Linux has been substantial, especially considering my 15-year history with Linux. My personal computer gaming experiences have exclusively utilized Linux and Wine.

Post by Yousiff