Build Your Own Adventure Lego’s Batman: The Animated Series And Dungeons & Dragons Sets Available Now

Lego’s Batman: The Animated Series
Lego’s Dungeons & Dragons

Lego releases new sets on the first of every month, including its officially licensed like the Batman: The Animated Series and Dungeons & Dragons sets. The Dungeons & Dragons set, called Red Dragon’s Tale, was created in collaboration with fans and consists of over 3,500 pieces to build a tavern, dungeon, and tower with a Lego dragon. The Gotham City set is a special DC set with 4,210 pieces recreating the city skyline from Batman: The Animated Series, filled with Easter eggs and featuring Minifigures. Both sets are available exclusively through the Lego store.


The Red Dragon’s Tale and Batman: The Animated Series Lego sets are on sale for Lego Insiders now and will be available to everyone on April 4. Insiders also get a special Lego Mimic Dice Box when they buy the D&D set.

Lego’s Dungeons & Dragons



Lego’s Batman: The Animated Series

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