At The Game Awards 2024, Capcom officially announced a sequel to the beloved action-adventure game Okami, with the working title “Okami Sequel.” This new installment will be directed by Hideki Kamiya, the original director of the 2006 PS2 classic. The announcement was made with a brief but stylish teaser trailer that showcased the return of the game’s signature cel-shaded art style and its main character, Amaterasu, the sun goddess who takes the form of a white wolf.
Key Details:
- Director: Hideki Kamiya, known for his work on Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry, and Bayonetta, is returning to helm the project.
- Development Partners: The game is being co-developed by Capcom in collaboration with M2, Machine Head Works, and Clovers, a new studio involving many of the original game’s production staff.
- Art Style and Gameplay: The sequel will retain the distinctive cel-shaded visuals and gameplay mechanics centered around the Celestial Brush, which allows players to interact with the world by drawing on the screen.
- Teaser Highlights: The teaser featured lush visuals reminiscent of the original game’s painterly graphics, accompanied by a musical performance at The Game Awards that included a rendition of “Sunflower” from the original Okami soundtrack.
While no specific release date has been announced, Capcom has indicated that development is in its early stages. Fans can expect more information as production progresses. The announcement has generated significant excitement among fans of the original game, which has been celebrated for its unique blend of Japanese mythology, art style, and innovative gameplay since its release.