Dolphin Emulator Upgraded with New Version Numbers

Dolphin, the popular emulator for playing Wii and GameCube titles, has recently revamped its version numbering system. Dolphin 5.0, the previous version, in existence for eight years, has been superseded by Dolphin 2407. The updated numbering scheme now incorporates release dates, with the digits reflecting July 2024. Subsequent to this modification, letters will denote hotfixes, and numerical suffixes will highlight updates with commits. This adjustment aims to eliminate confusion and enhance update clarity.


Despite the new numbering convention, the most recent release, Dolphin 2407, does not introduce any fixes, enhancements, or new functionalities. Moreover, Dolphin‘s logo has undergone a redesign to convey a more “gentle” impression, symbolizing the emulator’s “sophistication.”


Install this new release directly from the Dolphin downloads page.

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